Abstract. Typhoon (TY) Haiyan was one of the most intense and highly
destructive tropical cyclones (TCs) to affect the Philippines. As such, it
is regarded as a baseline for extreme TC hazards. Improving the simulation
of such TCs will not only improve the forecasting of intense TCs but will
also be essential in understanding the potential sensitivity of future
intense TCs with climate change. In this study, we investigate the effects
of model configuration in simulating TY Haiyan using the Weather Research
Forecasting (WRF) Model. Sensitivity experiments were conducted by
systematically altering the choice of cumulus schemes, surface flux
and spectral nudging. In addition to using the European Centre for
Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis fifth-generation (ERA5) single
high-resolution realization as initial and boundary conditions, we also
used 4
of the 10 lower-resolution ERA5 data assimilation system (EDA) ensemble
members as initial and boundary conditions. Results indicate a high level
sensitivity to cumulus schemes, with a trade-off between using
Kain–Fritsch and Tiedtke schemes that have not been mentioned in past
studies of TCs in the Philippines. The Tiedtke scheme simulates the track
better (with a lower mean direct positional error, DPE, of 33 km), while
the Kain–Fritsch scheme produces stronger intensities (by 15 hPa minimum
sea level pressure). Spectral nudging also resulted in a reduction in the
mean DPE by 20 km, and varying the surface flux options resulted in the
improvement of the simulated maximum sustained winds by up to
10 m s−1. Simulations using the EDA members initial and boundary
conditions revealed low sensitivity to the initial and boundary conditions,
having less spread than the simulations using different parameterization
schemes. We highlight the advantage of using an ensemble of cumulus
parameterizations to take into account the uncertainty in the track and
intensity of simulating intense tropical cyclones.