plant protection products (PPP) on grapevine pruning wounds
is a viticultural practice used to mitigate the spread of grapevine
tuck disease, which is posing serious economic losses in the vine-wine
industry. However, the impact of PPP on woody tissues remains unclear.
Our study, conducted in two European vineyards, investigated the effects
of Cuprocol, Tessior, Esquive, and Bentogran on stilbenes, in canes
of Cabernet sauvignon and Syrah, at three phenological stages. Main
stilbenes, quantified by HPLC-UV-DAD (1260 Agilent Infinity System)
and identified by HPLC-ESI/MS (Thermo Scientific LCQ FLEET system),
included E-resveratrol, E−ε-viniferin, E-piceatannol,
and E-polydatin. Canes exhibited varying proportions of individual
stilbenes, reflecting differences based on climatic conditions and
phenological phases, rather than on the application of specific PPP.
Vines grown in cool-climate conditions exhibited higher levels of
E-resveratrol, whereas vines from the Mediterranean climate area exhibited
higher levels of E−ε-viniferin. We also observed divergences
in the accumulation trend of wood stilbenes throughout the season
in canes collected in the two different growing areas.