Global climate models (GCMs) are major tools that provide climate projections for future climate change impact studies. However, the resolution of climate model outputs is usually too coarse to accurately resolve physical and dynamical processes of the climate system. In addition, climate model outputs are biased, sometimes significantly at the regional scale, due to limited knowledge of physical processes in the real climate system and imperfect implementation of this limited knowledge (Wilby et al., 1998;Zhuan et al., 2019). Thus, GCM simulations are rarely directly used as inputs to impact models for local and watershed-scale impact studies (Maraun et al., 2010;Wilby et al., 1998;Xu, 1999). Downscaling and/or bias correction methods are usually used to bridge the gap between climate model simulations and the data requirements of impact models Schmidli et al., 2006;Wilby et al., 2002;Zhang, 2005a). In particular, in recent years, bias correction methods have been used more frequently than other methods, such as the perfect prognosis (Wilby et al., 2002) and stochastic weather generator (Zhang, 2005a) methods, thanks to their easy application and relative good performance. Bias correction methods have become a standard approach when applying climate model outputs for climate change impact studies at the local and watershed scales.All bias correction methods are developed based on the assumption that the climate model simulation biases are constant over time. In other words, these methods assume that the magnitude of bias is the same for climate model simulations both for historical and future periods. The bias correction method first estimates the biases of climate model simulations over a historical reference period through a comparison against observations, and then the same biases are removed for the future period for climate change impact studies. Although some studies (e.g.,