An 11-year-old Border collie was presented for left hindlimb lameness associated with cranial cruciate ligament disease. The history included right tibial plateau levelling osteotomy performed approximately two years previously, with a subjectively good outcome. Multiple myeloma had been diagnosed approximately two months before presentation of the left hindlimb lameness. Medical treatment of multiple myeloma included glucocorticoids (prednisolone) and melphalan. Stabilisation of the left stifle was performed with the Simitri Stable in Stride extracapsular articulating implant. The dog demonstrated weightbearing on the operated limb within 24 hours following surgery. Re-examination six weeks following surgery revealed mild left hindlimb lameness, no resentment to manipulation of the left stifle, no cranial tibial thrust and a mild reduction in the range of motion. Hindlimb function was affected by various neurological events considered secondary to the malignant neoplasia; however, left stifle function was good until euthanasia 11 months following surgery.