The advantages of digital methods of processing, displaying, storing and transmitting information. Currently, various conversion methods and efficient coding methods are used to increase the speed of information transfer, maintain high accuracy and provide the required latent accuracy. In particular, timer (temporary) signal constructions, which, in comparison with other coding methods, for example, positional (bitwise) coding, can reduce costs by more than two times. In the work, the information parameters of the code ensembles synthesized at a constant duration "m" are evaluated. Determined the conditions for the formation of a code ensemble and calculate the number of code dictionary implementations on a segment of a nyquist elements.In order to use the communication channel efficiently, the proposed increase in the entropy of the transmitted ensemble is due to the use of code sets with different number of information segments and at a constant length of the code word. A significant increase in the weight of the synthesized ensemble ensured an increase in the value of the module А0 =19 integer times K є 8:18 .The maximum values of the module are calculated in which the greatest number of code words is synthesized:
КА0 =13, Np=8; КА0 =14, Np=10
КА0 =15, Np=15; КА0 =17, Np=16
КА0 =18, Np=10; КА0 =19, Np=6
КА0 =20, Np=1
For these КА0 values, the entropy value is H=3.269, which is less than the entropy of the
Russian text H=4.35. In accordance with code words that satisfy the conditions of the
quality equation. The methods and algorithms of reliable reception of code words under the influence of interference in the channel used were analyzed.Studies and calculations have shown that the use of temporary signal structures synthesized on the basis of a onemodule can significantly reduce the value of entropy for the transmission of Russian text.