The development of automotive industry in Indonesia can be classifiedas very rapid and annually increasing, causing highly competitive circumstances because many companies provide various types of motorcycle brands with quality and competitive prices. The company must create a marketing strategy pattern that can increase the level of sales efficiency of Yamaha motorcycle products. To overcome this problem, a strategy that can help increasing sales of motorcycle products is needed, in which by utilizing sales data owned by the company. Data mining can be used to process company sales data by looking for association rules with apriori algorithm on motorcycle product variables. From the results of the association rule analysis on sales data, with a minimum support of 30% and a minimum confidence of 75% can produce 3 rules with 3 products that are most in demand by consumers, namely the NEW MIOM3 CW, NEWAEROX155VVA and N-MAX, by knowing the most selling products, the company can add the most selling product supply and develop a marketing strategy to market the products with other products by examining the comparative advantage of the most sold products over the other products.