“…As stated by (Mahmudah & Shafrizal, 2022;Mulia, Iswandhiari, & Mailani, 2019) in their research there are still many students who do not have caring, environmentally friendly, cooperative, responsive, and proactive characteristics, this can be seen from the fact that there is still a lot of garbage scattered in the school environment. The same thing was also revealed (Aziz, Hady, Novezry, Siswoyo, & Mustofa, 2021;Demina, Trisoni, Darmansyah, Jubba, & Mudinillah, 2022;Sobry & Fitriani, 2022) in their research that the social attitude problem faced by students is a sense of indifference to the social environment. This fact is reinforced by (Aryani & Yuliarti, 2023;Fitriana & Suhendro, 2022;Samsudin & Iffah, 2020) in their research that the attitude problem faced by students is the decline in religious and moral awareness.…”