The goal of this study is to examine how multicultural education affects students' overall holistic personal development as they progress through postsecondary institutions. As Indonesia's democracy has grown, so has its commitment to multicultural education. In theory, multicultural education strives for equality, which includes the right to access "education for all." 38 students from private tertiary institutions made up the sample for this study, which used a descriptive quantitative technique and product moment correlation data analysis. In addition, using the product moment formula as a data analysis approach, we may determine how much variable X (multicultural variable) correlates with or influences variable Y (holistic personal development). In this investigation, it was discovered that T-Count > T-Table, with a 5% or 1% significance level. Accordingly, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected in light of these findings. So it can be said that multicultural learning has a big impact on how Islamic Education (PAI) students develop holistically as people.