Background Hepatitis B virus(HBV) and hepatitis C virus(HCV) are the main causes of cirrhosis, liver cancer, and death. This study aimed to determine the seroprevalence and associated factors of HBV surface antigen(HBsAg) and anti-HCV among patients screened for surgery at Felegehiwot referral hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. Methods A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 433 patients in 2018. Data on socio-demographic and risk factors were collected by an exit interview using a pretested structured questionnaire. A venous blood sample of 5ml was collected from each participant, and serum was tested for HBsAg and anti-HCV using one-step rapid test kits and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was computed to identify factors associated with HBV and HCV infections. The odds ratio with 95% CI was used to describe the strength of association and statistical significance. Results A total of 422 patients gave data and included in the analysis. The mean age of patients was 36±5 years. About two-thirds, 269(64%) and 274(65%) patients were males, and from rural areas, respectively. The seroprevalence of HBsAg was 34(8%) followed by 18(4.3%) anti-HCV and 4(0.9%) co-infections. Being single(