It is possible to prepare classical optical beams which cannot be characterized by a tensor product of vectors describing each of their degrees of freedom. Here we report the experimental creation of such a non-separable, tripartite GHZ-like state of path, polarization and transverse modes of a classical laser beam. We use a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with an additional mirror and other optical elements to perform measurements that violate Mermin's inequality. This demonstration of a classical optical analogue of tripartite entanglement paves the path to novel optical applications inspired by multipartite quantum information protocols.
PACS numbers:A composite quantum system is said to be entangled when it is not fully described by the state of its components [1]. Besides indicating a departure from classical physics, entangled states represent an important resource for a number of quantum information protocols [2]. In classical optics, the mode structure associated with different degrees of freedom of the wave field can also be described by complex vector spaces. As examples, an arbitrary polarization can be written as a complex superposition of circularly polarized beams, and the spatial configuration of a paraxial beam can be decomposed in terms of Laguerre-Gaussian beams. These degrees of freedom can be represented on two independent PoincarĂ© spheres [3], in complete analogy with the Bloch sphere used to represent qubit states [2]. Intriguingly, also in classical optics there are field configurations which cannot be described as a tensor product of definite modes of each individual degree of freedom of the system [4]. These non-separable structures display a classical analogue of quantum entanglement [5][6][7][8]. One example are vector vortex beams, which are non-separable superpositions of transverse modes and polarization states of a laser beam [9][10][11]. This analogy was used to demonstrate the topological phase acquired by entangled states evolving under local unitary operations [12]. Recently, it has attracted a growing interest due both to the fundamental aspects involved, but also for potential applications to classical optical information processing [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. Nonseparable structures have also proved their utility in the quantum optical domain [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]. Analogously to its quantum counterpart, classical entanglement has been characterized via the violation of Bell-like inequalities [34][35][36].Composite quantum systems may have more than two parts. For tripartite systems, Mermin [37] simplified an earlier argument by Greenberger, Horne and Zeilinger * Corresponding author.[38], to show that any local hidden-variable theory for tripartite systems must satisfy (1) where Z, Y, Z represent the Pauli operators. This inequality is violated by the so-called GHZ-Mermin state:for which ZZZ = +1 and ZXX = XZX = XXZ = â1, resulting in M = 4, the maximum algebraic violation of Mermin's inequality (1). In [39], Spreeuw proposed a scheme in which t...