By using relations derived from renormalization group equations (RGEs), we find that strong indirect constraints can be placed on the top squark mixing phase in A t from the electric dipole moment of the neutron (d n ). Since m t is large, any GUT-scale phase in A t feeds into other weak scale phases through RGEs, which in turn contribute to d n . Thus CP -violating effects due to a weak-scale A t are strongly constrained. We find that |ImA EW t | must be smaller than or of order |ImB EW |, making the electric dipole moment of the top quark unobservably small in most models. Quantitative estimates of the contributions to d n from A u , A d and B show that substantial fine-tuning is still required to satisfy the experimental bound on d n . While the low energy phases of the A's are not as strongly constrained as the phase of B EW , we note that the phase of a universal A GU T induces large contributions in the phase of B EW through RGEs, and is thus still strongly constrained in most models with squark masses below a TeV.