The double layer is the heart of electrochemistry: All electrochemical reactions occur in this region, and it determines one of the basic macroscopic relations of electrochemistry, that between the electrode charge and the potential, or equivalently its interfacial capacitance. But even after more than a century of investigations, there is no theory, model, or simulation, from which we can calculate the capacitance of a simple system like the interface between a planar Ag(111) electrode and a 1 M solution of HClO 4 .There are two aspects to consider: the microscopic structure, and the macroscopic relation between charge and potential. Concerning the latter, we understand this in two limiting cases: (1) for semiconductor electrodes, where it is governed by the space charge layer in the semiconductor and (2) for dilute electrolytes, where it is governed by the space charge layer in the solution as described by Gouy-Chapman theory. Needless to say, the interesting case is the interface between a conductor and a fairly concentrated electrolyte, where both sides contribute equally.As far as the microscopic structure is concerned, this has been explored in the last decades mainly by molecular dynamics simulations, either based on classical force fields [1] or, more recently, based on density functional theory (DFT) [2]. The former use models that are well-tested in the bulk of electrolyte solutions; the electronic response of the electrode surface is usually neglected. The latter suffer from the disadvantages of DFT simulations: small ensemble size, short times for statistical sampling, and the uncertainties of DFT such as the charge delocalization error [3]. Having watched so-called ab initio simulations from the sidelines, I was bemused how the prescriptions to treat water by DFT changed over time.Nevertheless, there are a few things which we have learnt:There is an extended boundary layer at the interface, where particle densities and the electrostatic potential oscillate. The water bilayer, known from water adsorption on metals in ultrahigh vacuum, is not stable in electrochemical systems at ambient temperatures.Simple geometrical models based on concepts like the inner or outer Helmholtz plane or the Stern layer have no scientific basis. They should be buried in the cemetery of discarded electrochemical concepts with the hydrogen in status nascendi.The concept of an effective dielectric constant which varies rapidly in the boundary layer is ill-defined. Of course, it can be used for fitting results, but this does not give any scientific insights.The approach of an ion towards an electrode surface is governed by a competition between the chemical or physical forces of the electrode and the change in solvation. The resulting balance depends on all parts of the system, e.g., in aqueous solutions, small univalent cations like Li + or Ag + can approach a metal surface while keeping the major part of their solvation energy, while desolvation makes the approach of larger or multivalent ions difficult [4].It is impossible...