Every couple wants harmony in Marriage because every individual wants satisfaction in Marriage and less disappointment. The fact is that until now, there are still many couples who divorce. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency, there are 1,081 divorced married couples in Banyumas Regency, 6.75% of whom are civil servants. Marital harmony is a marriage decorated with religious life, having time with your partner, having good communication, mutual respect, a romantic relationship with your partner, and good quality and quantity of conflict. Meanwhile, the language of Love is the behavior of expressing the feeling of Love that is owned so that the loved one can feel cared for. Marital harmony is a marriage decorated with religious life, having time with a partner, having good communication, respecting each other, having a romantic relationship with the partner, having good quality and quantity of conflict. Meanwhile, the love language behavior is a behavior that expresses the feeling of Love. The method is a quantitative method with data analysis in the form of linear regression analysis using the modified scale of the Marital Harmony Scale and the Love Language scale. Population 1335 civil servants and samples in this study are 152 civil servants selected by purposive sampling. Valid,t y use pert judgment and the reliability used Cronbach's Alpha with the results of marital harmony scale and love language scale respectively 0.989 and 0.962. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive effect with a value of F=14,620 with sig = 0.000. R square of 0.585 means that Love Languages have an effect on Marital Harmony by 58.5%, while the remaining 41.5% is influenced by other factors outside of this study.