signaling molecules from each cell line separately. Recently, membrane platforms were used for paracrine signaling study, but these studies suffer from major drawbacks, such as the lack of in vivo like functionality, separation of specifi c cells of interest and low pore density, micrometer-scale fi lm thickness, and optical non-transparency of the membrane. [ 1c ] On the contrary, direct cell coculture approach offers more in vivo like cell-cell communication environment, [ 6 ] but this method also has many issues including cell cross contamination by xenogenic reaction and diffi culties in manipulating and isolating each cell line for detailed individual analysis. [ 7 ] Herein, we designed and prepared cellulose acetate (CA)-based nanoporous thin fi lm as a transparent, nanoporous, and transferable (TNT) cell coculture membrane to address the aforementioned issues in cell coculture assays. The TNT membrane allows for cell adhesion within a short time and separation of single cell layer effi ciently after coculturing of multiple cell lines through good affi nity to cells and transferability of membrane, which can provide a new platform for controlling and analyzing cell-cell paracrine signaling. CA has been widely used as fi lter membranes due to its low static charges and high mechanical strength. [ 8 ] Also, CA has received great attention in biomedical fi elds as cell scaffold materials that exhibit a wide range of properties, such as high modulus, adequate fl exural, and tensile strength with biocompatibility. [ 9 ] The porous structure of the CA membrane was realized by nonsolvent (water) vapor-induced phase separation (NVIPS) during spin coating in a closed chamber with controlled relative humidity (RH) ( Figure 1 a, and Figure S1, Supporting Information). In cell culture medium, the transparency, fl exibility, and facile transferability of the CA-based TNT membrane originate from its nmscale dimension in fi lm thickness (482 ± 7 nm), small pore size (≤150 nm), and low water solubility (Figure 1 b). To the best of our knowledge, this work is the fi rst example in adopting spincasted ultrathin CA membranes with controlled pore size and density for cell coculture and paracrine signaling assays. The TNT membrane allows accurate analysis of paracrine communication between cocultured cells as well as easy isolation of each cell line for further manipulation of individual cell lines. Also, the high degree of freedom in stacking and destacking of the membranes enable us not only to coculture three or more different cell lines simultaneously but also to coculture cell lines in a sequentially different manner, which would offer a highly versatile in vitro platform to trace the history of stromal activations for metastatic cancer cells.In a typical proof-of-concept experiment, MDA-MB-231 (metastatic cancer cell; M) and human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC; H) were fi rst grown separately on a TNT membrane and cocultured by stacking the cell-culture TNT membranes Cells communicate with one another typically through di...