A two-c•oinpolleiit fibre optic LDV system has 1,c , c•11 employed to pleasure three llleall velocity colll ,uiiellts and five Revllulcls Stress cullll>lnlcllts ill it cullfined, isotllernial strollglyy swirling flowfiel(1. The prim ry ol)jectivl• is to provide complete 1)ellclllllerhilellt mill it tVl,ic•rtl I,• -F itiotll•1. Measurements slit )\V the radial vebsity (01111)1 il('ilt (close to the swiller exit) to he of the sal ie magiiitucl.e its the axial and swirl collipollellts. Velocity measurements obtained close to the cu1111mstur wall slloulcl be treated with1 carttiull as these were must affected it signal lluise as it result of illterllal wall rc•.fiections. NOMENCLATURE 1 = l(u + x7 2 + c7 2 ); turbulent kinetic ellergti V =pressure 11, 2', u' = fluctuating velocity c•olllpullellts X, 1', H = axial,radial and azunutlial coordinates U2 , x7 2 , zu 2 = Reyllulcls llurlllustor radius S = swirl llullll )er U. T'. 11 -= lily lll vc•locity collll)ollellts _ axial velocity, illnllecliately upstrealll of swirlce1 = uncertainty in velocity L y) = swirler vane angle o', (J,,, la j^• = standard lleviatioll of 11ieasitrc 1 i1.1li11. radial and swirl velocities length an(l tlierel)u% smaller c•o1111nlstors, (4) improved stal,ility, (5) uniform l,atterll factor (leading to illcreased turbine life) amid (6) imiiproved l,low-off lilllits.Detailed knowledge of confined swirling flows and flames is required for proper clesigli aiitl perftn'mntince control of turbine and ramjet combustors. The majority of the research to elate has the ('(11111111)11 goal of increasing the umiderstallcliiig of such comiiplex llowlields and illlprovillg the acc uracv of the conipu-