For group-living animals the choice of whether to join aggregations or initiate their own is influenced by potential benefits such as group protection and reduced energetic expenditure, as well as costs such as competition for food and mates. The bark beetle Ips grandicollis is an invasive pest species that colonises recently felled timber in Australian pine (Pinus spp.) plantations. Male beetles initiate colonies by burrowing under the bark of trees and emitting an aggregation pheromone which attracts conspecifics, including a harem of females with whom they mate. We predicted that males that initiated colonies, or who arrived early, would have larger harems than later arrivals (due to decreased competition for females). However, we found the opposite effect with earlyarriving males actually associated with fewer females than later arriving males, although this may have resulted from some females leaving harems as they get older. We conclude that pioneering does not improve male likelihood of attracting J Insect Behav (2012) 25:401-407