Original scientific paperThis paper presents improved torque control scheme for a high speed sensorless induction motor drive. The proposed high speed torque control scheme substitutes the flux oriented control by the voltage angle control in the flux weakening regime. This scheme uses maximum of available inverter voltage, alleviates well known problems of current control schemes in conditions with insufficient voltage margin and avoids the influence of estimated speed error to the achieved flux level. The algorithm uses similar slip control as flux oriented control algorithm, but is applied without an outer flux trajectory reference which is typical for the flux weakening, providing a fast and well damped torque response even if error in estimated speed is present.Experiments confirm the effectiveness of proposed torque control algorithm, smooth transition from the flux oriented control in the base speed region to the voltage angle control in the flux weakening, superior dynamic performance of the voltage angle torque control, and its robustness to an estimated rotor speed error.
Key words: High Speed Induction Motor, Toque Control, Voltage Angle ControlUnaprijeeno upravljanje momentom visokobrzinskog pogona s asinkronim motorom bez mjerenja brzine. U radu je predstavljena unaprijeena shema upravljanja za pogon visokobrzinskog asinkronog motora bez mjerenja brzine. Predloženi postupak zamjenjuje vektorsko upravljanje upravljačkom strukturom s upravljanjem kutom napona u slabljenju polja. Predložena shema koristi maksimalni raspoloživi napon invertora, eliminira dobro poznate probleme strujno reguliranih pogona u uvjetima s nedovoljnom rezervom napona i eliminira utjecaj greške u estimaciji brzine na dostignutu razinu toka. Algoritam koristi sličnu kontrolu klizanja kao i vektorsko upravljanje, ali bez tipičnog vanjskog zadavanja toka u slabljenju polja, pružajući brz i dobro prigušen odziv momentǎ cak i u slučaju greške u estimaciji brzine.Eksperimenti izvedeni na velikoj brzini vrtnje potvruju učinkovitost predložene regulacije momenta, gladak prijelaz iz baznog područja brzine u slabljenje polja, vrhunske dinamičke performanse upravljanja kutom napona i robusnost na pogrešku u estimiranoj brzini vrtnje.