Let G be a graph on n vertices of independence number α(G) such that every induced subgraph of G on n − k vertices has an independent set of size at least α(G) − ℓ. What is the largest possible α(G) in terms of n for fixed k and ℓ? We show that α(G)We also use this result to determine new values of the Erdős-Rogers function.
IntroductionBackground. All graphs considered here are finite, undirected, and simple. For graph G and property P, the resilience of P measures how much one should change G in order to destroy P.Assume G has P, then the global resilience of P refers to the minimum number r such that by removing r edges from G one can obtain a graph not having P, and the local resilience refers to the minimum number r such that by removing at each vertex at most r edges one can obtain a graph not having P. For example, Turán's theorem (see [13]) characterizes the global resilience of having a k-clique in complete graphs, and Dirac's theorem (see [2]) characterizes the local resilience of having a Hamiltonian path in complete graphs. Moreover, the local resilience of various properties is extensively studied in [12].Note that both global resilience and local resilience focus on removing edges. What about removing vertices? As far as we are aware of, this vertex-removal version of resilience is never discussed. To distinguish from removing edges, we shall always use the word stability when discussing removing vertices throughout this paper.