We use the nonperturbative linear δ expansion method to evaluate analytically the coefficients c1 and c ′′ 2 which appear in the expansion for the transition temperature for a dilute, homogeneous, three dimensional Bose gas given by Tc = T0{1+c1an 1/3 +[c ′ 2 ln(an 1/3 )+c ′′ 2 ]a 2 n 2/3 +O(a 3 n)}, where T0 is the result for an ideal gas, a is the s-wave scattering length and n is the number density. In a previous work the same method has been used to evaluate c1 to order-δ 2 with the result c1 = 3.06. Here, we push the calculation to the next two orders obtaining c1 = 2.45 at order-δ 3 and c1 = 1.48 at order-δ 4 . Analysing the topology of the graphs involved we discuss how our results relate to other nonperturbative analytical methods such as the self-consistent resummation and the 1/N approximations. At the same orders we obtain c ′′ 2 = 101.4, c ′′ 2 = 98.2 and c ′′ 2 = 82.9. Our analytical results seem to support the recent Monte Carlo estimates c1 = 1.32 ± 0.02 and c ′′ 2 = 75.7 ± 0.4.