ABSTRACT:The microdosing strategy allows for early assessment of human pharmacokinetics of new chemical entities using more limited safety assessment requirements than those requisite for a conventional phase I program. The current choice for evaluating microdosing is accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) due to its ultrasensitivity for detecting radiotracers. However, the AMS technique is still expensive to be used routinely and requires the preparation of radiolabeled compounds. This report describes a feasibility study with conventional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) technology for oral microdosing assessment in rats, a commonly used preclinical species. The nonlabeled drugs fluconazole and tolbutamide were studied because of their similar pharmacokinetics characteristics in rats and humans. We demonstrate that pharmacokinetics can be readily characterized by LC-MS/MS at a microdose of 1 g/kg for these molecules in rats, and, hence, LC-MS/MS should be adequate in human microdosing studies. The studies also exhibit linearity in exposure between the microdose and >1000-fold higher doses in rats for these drugs, which are known to show a linear doseexposure relationship in the clinic, further substantiating the potential utility of LC-MS/MS in defining pharmacokinetics from the microdose of drugs. These data should increase confidence in the use of LC-MS/MS in microdose pharmacokinetics studies of new chemical entities in humans. Application of this approach is also described for an investigational compound, MLNX, in which the pharmacokinetics in rats were determined to be nonlinear, suggesting that MLNX pharmacokinetics at microdoses in humans also might not reflect those at the therapeutic doses. These preclinical studies demonstrate the potential applicability of using traditional LC-MS/MS for microdose pharmacokinetic assessment in humans.Microdosing has the potential for estimating human pharmacokinetics at therapeutic dose levels with much lower preclinical safety and compound requirements [ICH (2000) Garner, 2005;Wilding and Bell, 2005]. Microdosing studies performed before phase I have the potential to reduce the attrition of drugs because of inadequate pharmacokinetic properties in humans and reduce the cost and time to reach this decision point. Currently, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is the technology of choice for microdosing assessments, allowing ultrasensitive, femto or attomol drug level measurements. There is a growing literature on the use of AMS in preclinical and clinical research (Kaye et al., 1997;Young et al., 2001;Garner et al., 2002;Liberman et al., 2004;Sandhu et al., 2004;Choi et al., 2005;Sarapa et al., 2005). The extremely low amounts of radioactivity required for AMS permits human studies to be conducted without extensive regulatory approvals for radiation safety (Barker and Garner, 1999 DMD 34:384-388, 2006 Printed in U.S.A.Vol. 34, No. 3 Copyright © 2006 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 7195/3085572
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