An approximate analytical methodology for calculating the friction factor within ducts of irregular cross-section is herein proposed. The approximations are developed by transforming the original governing PDEs into simpler ODEs, using approximation rules provided by the coupled integral equations approach. The transformed system is directly integrated and analytical solutions for the friction factor are readily obtained. Four different approximation cases are analyzed, which yield simple closed-form expressions for calculating the friction factor in terms of geometric parameters for rectangular, triangular, and trapezoidal ducts. The results of these expressions are compared with literature data, and very reasonable agreement is seen. After performing an error analysis of the results, regions for applicability of the methodology where accuracy requirements can be maintained are highlighted. Finally, enhanced approximation formulas yielding maximum errors as low as 3% are developed by using simple weighted averages of different approximation cases. Keywords Lumped-capacitance formulation Á Arbitrary geometry Á Friction factor Á Mathematical modeling List of symbols a, b, c Geometric parameters in cross-section domain D H Hydraulic diameter f Fanning's friction-factor G Ã Dimensionless pressure gradient H a;b Hermite approximation K Aspect ratio p Pressure u Axial velocity u Cross-sectional averaged velocity U Dimensionless axial velocity x Axial variable X Dimensionless function for left boundary y, z Cross-section variables Y, Z Dimensionless problem variables z 1 Function for left boundary Re Reynolds number Greek symbols a, b, m Hermite approximation parameters n, g Dimensionless left boundary function parameters l Dynamic viscosity f i Solution constants