The contribution of peptide amino-acid sequence to collision cross-section values (CCS) has been investigated using a dataset of ∼134,000 peptides of four different charge states (1+ to 4+). The migration data was acquired using a two-dimensional LC/trapped ion mobility spectrometry/quadrupole/time-of-flight MS analysis of HeLa cell digests created using 7 different proteases and was converted to CCS values. Following the previously reported modeling approaches using intrinsic size parameters (ISP), we extended this methodology to encode the position of individual residues within a peptide sequence. A generalized prediction model was built by dividing the dataset into 8 groups (four charges for both tryptic/non-tryptic peptides). Position dependent ISPs were independently optimized for the eight subsets of peptides, resulting in prediction accuracy of ∼0.981 for the entire population of peptides. We find that ion mobility is strongly affected by the peptide’s ability to solvate the positively charged sites. Internal positioning of polar residues and proline leads to decreased CCS values as they improve charge solvation; conversely, this ability decreases with increasing peptide charge due to electrostatic repulsion. Furthermore, higher helical propensity and peptide hydrophobicity result in preferential formation of extended structures with higher than predicted CCS values. Finally, acidic/basic residues exhibit position dependent ISP behaviour consistent with electrostatic interaction with the peptide macro-dipole, which affects the peptide helicity.