This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection. For more information, please consult the Terms of use. tions of regional land surface climate" (WG1 Chapter 10). For the projection of future regional land precipitation changes downstream of the North Atlantic storm tracks, this implies increased uncertainty, since regional precipitation changes are mainly determined by large-scale circulation changes. As a result, the sign of, for example, changes in fall but also annual mean precipitation under the SSP5-8.5 scenario over western and central Europe remains unclear which can be conveniently verified using the new IPCC WGI Interactive Atlas accessible via (last accessed March 2022). In addition, climate models tend to underestimate in particular the cases of rapid cyclone intensification (Priestley & Catto, 2022). Overall, the biases are thus best summarized by "too zonal, too equatorward and too weak for extreme cases."