We analyze the optimal trade-off between the error exponent and the excess-rate exponent for variable-rate Slepian-Wolf codes. In particular, we first derive upper (converse) bounds on the optimal error and excess-rate exponents, and then lower (achievable) bounds, via a simple class of variable-rate codes which assign the same rate to all source blocks of the same type class. Then, using the exponent bounds, we derive bounds on the optimal rate functions, namely, the minimal rate assigned to each type class, needed in order to achieve a given target error exponent. The resulting excess-rate exponent is then evaluated. Iterative algorithms are provided for the computation of both bounds on the optimal rate functions and their excess-rate exponents. The resulting Slepian-Wolf codes bridge between the two extremes of fixed-rate coding, which has minimal error exponent and maximal excess-rate exponent, and average-rate coding, which has maximal error exponent and minimal excess-rate exponent.
Index TermsSlepian-Wolf coding, variable-rate coding, buffer overflow, excess-rate exponent, error exponent, reliability function, random-binning, alternating minimization.for the analysis of SW codes. In Section III, we derive upper and lower bounds on the error exponent and excessrate exponent of general SW codes, and discuss the trade-off between the two exponents. Then, in Section IV, we characterize the optimal rate allocation (in a sense that will be made precise), under an error exponent constraint, and in Section V, we analyze the resulting excess-rate exponent. In Section VI, we discuss computational aspects of the bounds on the optimal rate allocation, as well as the bounds on the optimal excess-rate exponent. Section VII demonstrates the results via a numerical example, and Section VIII summarizes the paper, along with directions for further research. Almost all proofs are deferred to Appendix A. In Appendix B, we provide several general results on the reliability function of channel coding, which are required in order to fully understand the proofs in Appendix A. In Appendix C and Appendix D, we provide some side results, and Appendix E we provide some useful Lemmas. 4