De part ment of Chem is try, Na tional Chung-Hsing Uni ver sity, Taichung, Tai wan 402, R.O.C.Fi ber-optic sen sors pro vide a sim ple and fast way in de tec tion of in ter ested mol e cules in va ri ety of sample ma tri ces. To ac cel er ate the prog ress in this field, the ba sic sens ing prin ci ples and cur rent tech nol o gies of both ex trin sic and in trin sic types of fi ber-optic sen sors were de scribed in this ar ti cle. In the in trin sic fiber-optic sen sors, ev a nes cent wave ab sorp tion spec tro scopic method and flu o res cence spec tro scopic method based on ev a nes cent wave ex ci ta tion were in tro duced. In the ex trin sic fi ber-optic sen sors, two ma jor types of sen sors in clud ing flu o res cence spec tro scopic method and Raman spec tro scopic method were de scribed. The com ple men tary chem i cal in for ma tion and unique ad van tages of dif fer ent sen sors were de scribed.Fi ber-Op tic Chem i cal Sen sors: A Gen eral Re view