Kata kunci: Matrik qdn ordo 3x9, rangkaian ekuivalen trafo model T, model dinamik qdn
Analysis of the dynamic model nine-phase induction motor becomes difficult because based on a 9x9 matrix and a circuit of magnetically coupled transformer. In order to gain the qdn dynamic model of the nine-phase induction motors in easy, simple, quick and consistent way, the motor analysis will based on 3x9 transformation matrix and the equivalent circuit T model. The 3x9 transformation matrix qdn is substituted into the equation in form abc so that the matrix equation of qdn is obtained. Then qdn equation results a similar qd equivalent circuit, which has different methods n that is, based the circuit of magnetically coupled transformer. Simulation results show that the dynamic characteristics of 9-phase induction motor based on the T model and magnetically coupled circuit have similar torque and speed dynamic response.
Keywords: 3x9 matrik qdn, T model of motor equivalent circuit, qdn dynamic model
IntroductionA dynamic model of qdn for induction motor is required to determine the characteristics of the starting conditions of motor until it gets steady state. All dynamic induction models of motor have been introduced by using the analysis based on the circuit of 1-phase transformer, which is magnetically coupled by stator and rotor frequency references [1]- [3]. A single-phase transformer circuit can easily be converted into T models of electrical circuit by primary/secondary reference because it has similar frequency. Mutual reactance of transformer under steady-state conditions is constant because all primary and secondary winding of the transformer are silent.However, an induction motor is very different from the transformer, the stator winding is stationary and the rotor winding is moving. In steady-state conditions, mutual reactance of the motor should have a function to manage rotation speed of the rotor which is then assumed to be constant to simplify the analysis. In addition, all of the parameters and frequency references refer to each part of the motor. While stator and rotor reactance are the leakage reactance as given in [4]. Thus, magnetically coupled circuits for 3-phase induction motor may not produce the equivalent circuit of the transformer T models [5]. Similarly, the equivalent circuit for the motor with higher phase becomes much more complex and may not be a T model of the equivalent circuit of the motor.