Cloud Computing (CC) environment has restructured the Information Age by empowering on demand dispensing of resources on a pay-per-use base. Resource Scheduling and allocation is an approach of ascertaining schedule on which tasks should be carried out. Owing to the heterogeneity nature of resources, scheduling of resources in CC environment is considered as an intricate task. Allocating best resource for a cloud request remains a complicated task and the issue of identifying the best resource – task pair according to user requirements is considered as an optimization issue. Therefore the main objective of the Cloud Server remains in scheduling the tasks and allocating the resources in an optimal manner. In this work an optimized task scheduled resource allocation model is designed to effectively address large numbers of task request arriving from cloud users, while maintaining enhanced Quality of Service (QoS). The cloud user task requests are mapped in an optimal manner to cloud resources. The optimization process is carried out using the proposed Multi-objective Auto-encoder Deep Neural Network-based (MA-DNN) method which is a combination of Sen’s Multi-objective functions and Auto-encoder Deep Neural Network model. First tasks scheduling is performed by applying Hypervolume-based Sen’s Multi-objective programming model. With this, multi-objective optimization (i.e., optimization of cost and time during the scheduling of tasks) is performed by means of Hypervolume-based Sen’s Multi-objective programming. Second, Auto-encoder Deep Neural Network-based Resource allocation is performed with the scheduled tasks that in turn allocate the resources by utilizing Jensen–Shannon divergence function. The Jensen–Shannon divergence function has the advantage of minimizing the energy consumption that only with higher divergence results, mapping is performed, therefore improving the energy consumption to a greater extent. Finally, mapping tasks with the corresponding resources using Kronecker Delta function improves the makespan significantly. To show the efficiency of Multi-objective Auto-encoder Deep Neural Network-based (MA-DNN) cloud time scheduling and optimization between tasks and resources in the CC environment, we also perform thorough experiments on the basis of realistic traces derived from Personal Cloud Datasets. The experimental results show that compared with RAA-PI-NSGAII and DRL, MA-DNN not only significantly accelerates the task scheduling efficiency, task scheduling time but also reduces the energy usage and makespan considerably.