Thls study c 】 arified theeffects . generated by introduction ofthe innovated modular wheelchair on the activities and the behaviora 量 patterns ofthe nursing home residents with det ¢ riorated ADL The m ¢ thods utilized were a behavioral tracking survey , a questionnaire survey and ebservatien by actigraph. The results were as fbllows ; 1) Time ofambulation oftho bedridden residents was promoted . 2) By increased time of ambulatjon time , the residents showed mode of ceuUts ofactivities and incr己as ¢ d number ofactivity counts . 3) Behaviora1 patterns ofthe residents also changed from 卩 ' no ambulat 重 on per day type 「 「 to " one − time ambulation per day type 脚 Keywonts :bedn Graduate Student, Graduate School of Engineering