For 7-3' comcadence measurements a Compton-suppression spectrometer with a large sohd angle of 120 msr and excellent suppression has been designed. The dnnenslons of the NaI antlcomcldence shield have been opttmlzed by means of Monte Carlo calculations. The NaI shield has a length of 35 cm and a diameter of 30 cm. A 20% efficient HPGe crystal wth a dead layer of 0.22 mm and a hollow core ~s used as central detector For 6°Co, the average suppression of the Compton background between 100 and 1100 keV amounts to 11.8 with a photopeak loss of 5 8%. The areas of the 1173 and 1332 keV peaks taken together amount to 60% of the total number of registered counts for the suppressed spectrum and to 15% for the non-suppressed spectrum. The spectrometer has been tested in a 3"-3" comc~dence experiment w~th the reaction 24Mg + (45 MeV) ~ 60.