Fergana Valley is a tectonic depression surrounded by mountains, and its appearance is in the form of an ellipse. Its length from west to east is 300 km equal to 50 meters from south to north. 70 km The height of the valley reaches from sea level in the west to . in the 250 мeast 1000 м. The height of the surrounding high mountains of Central Ferghana is 2000 - 4000 m and more. Such a sharp geomorphological structure determines the specific characteristics of the valley’s climate. The western and central parts of the Fergana valley (up to the Margilan oasis) belong to the desert region, and the eastern part to the semi-desert region. The climatic conditions of the desert part are described by the meteorological stations “Ko’kan”, “Ultarma” and “Namangan”, and the semi-desert part by the data of the weather stations “Fergana”, “Nasriddinbek” and “Fedchenko”. In the western and northern regions of the valley, the long-term average air temperature is +13+13.5 0 C. The coldest month of the year is January, its average temperature is -2.1-2.40 C. The period with the highest temperature is July, and the average temperature is around +24.8+27.6 0 C. ( Tables 1-2 ). The minimum temperature is -27-29 0 C, the maximum temperature is +42+46 0 C. We present the detail of the morphology of the 1st soil cross-section, trying to reveal the specific characteristics of the pale gray gypsum soils in the Kuva hills. The soils formed in the Kuva hills, where we conducted research, are the result of the long-term development of the area. Kuva mountain range is located 500-600m above sea level. The pale gray soils distributed in these areas are composed of stony rocks formed on loess and loess sand. At the same time, it appeared on coarse, gravelly-soft rock formations and gravels, on top of which a thin skeleton of sand and silt is covered.