Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mengetahui profil iklim mikro pada naungan plastik dengan warna plastik berbeda dan (2) mengetahui warna plastik untuk naungan yang sesuai terhadap peningkatan kualitas kentang varietas granola G0. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap masing-masing terdiri dari empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan, yaitu perlakuan tanpa naungan, perlakuan naungan plastik warna bening, perlakuan naungan plastik warna biru dan perlakuan naungan plastik warna merah. Untuk pengukuran iklim mikro digunakan alat temperature and humidity meter dan light meter. Pengukuran iklim mikro dilakukan seminggu sekali yaitu setiap pukul 12.00 WITA. Analisis data intensitas cahaya matahari dilakukan membuat gambar dalam naungan menggunakan metose garis kontur, sedangkan data hasil pengukuran suhu udara, suhu tanah, kelembaban dan variabel kualitas yang diperoleh diolah dengan menggunakan program komputer Microsoft Excel untuk memperoleh grafik, lalu dianalisis dengan metode deskiptif, dan dilanjutkan analisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam (ANOVA). Hasil penelitian intensitas cahaya matahari menunjukkan kontur profil saat tanaman berusia 2 minggu profil sebaran naungan warna bening 975-1025 lux, naungan warna merah 675-725 lux, naungan warna biru 575-595 lux, sedangkan pada tanaman berusia 8 minggu naungan warna bening 100-800 lux, naungan warna merah 100-700 lux, dan naungan warna biru 100-400 lux. Rata-rata suhu udara tanpa naungan 26,20C, naungan bening 26,80C, naungan merah 26,60C, naungan biru 26,20C. Rata-rata kelembaban tanpa naungan 76%, naungan bening 77%, naungan merah 78%, naungan biru 79%. Perlakuan naungan bening menunjukkan kualitas terbaik yaitu rata-rata 4,4 umbi per pohon, rata-rata berat 257,6 gram per pohon dan rata-rata 1 umbi per pohon.
Kata kunci: naungan plastik, kentang varietas granola G0, iklim mikro.
The purpose of this study was to (1) determine the microclimate profile of plastic shade with different plastic colors and (2) find out the color of plastic for the appropriate shade to increase the quality of granola G0 potato varieties. This study used a completely randomized design, each consisting of four treatments and three replications, namely treatment without shade, transparent plastic shade treatment, blue plastic shade treatment and red plastic shade treatment. For microclimate measurement, the temperature and humidity meter and light meter are used. Microclimate measurement is done once a week, which is at 12.00 p.m. Analysis of sunlight intensity data was carried out to make profile image in the shade using metose contour lines, while the results of measurements of air temperature, soil temperature, humidity and quality variables obtained were processed using a Microsoft Excel computer program to obtain graphics, then analyzed using the deskiptive method and continued the analysis using variance analysis (ANOVA). The result of the intensity of sunlight is made profile countur, and the result of measurement of air temperature, soild temperature, moisture and variable quality is made graph. The results of the study of solar light intensity show the contour of the profile when the plant is two weeks old, the clear shade distribution profile is 975-1025 lux, the shade is read 675-725 lux, the shade is blue 575-595 lux, while in the eight week old plant, the clear shade is 100-800 lux, the shade is red 100-700 lux, and the shade is blue 100-400 lux. Average air temperature without shade 26,20C, clear shade 26,80C, red shade 26,60C, blue shade 26,20C, average moisture without shade 76%, clear shade 77%, red shade 78%, and blue shade 79%. The treatment of clear shade shows the best quality, that is an average of 4,4 tubers every single tree, average 257,6 grams every single tree and average of 1 tuber every single tree.
Keyword : plastic sharps, potatoes varietas granola G0, microclimate