“…Internationally, scholars document a need for more police officers and equipment across diverse police services (Sinha, 1981; Verimliliklerinin, İle Ölçülmesi, Ülkemen, & Gültekin); however, such studies tend to focus on large police agencies or urban policing rather than small detachments in rural and remote areas (Wilson & Heinonen, 2011). Although police staffing and the management of officers is gaining traction as a major topic at police association meetings (Wilson & Grammich, 2009), it remains an overlooked and under-prioritized aspect of police administration (Hollis & Wilson, 2015; Wilson & Heinonen, 2011). Researchers studying staffing challenges tend to focus on recruitment, retention, and attrition (Egan, 2005; Jordan, Fridell, Faggiani, & Kubu, 2009; Scrivner, 2006; Spielman, 2009; Tulgan, 2000).…”