SoMe feaTureS of DrillinG TeChnoloGY wiTh PDC BiTS Purpose. Improving the technology of drilling wells with blade bits by establishing patterns of interaction in a pair of "cutter rock" to find out the causes the "hanging" blade bits over the central part of the bottom hole and develop recommendations for eliminating. Methodology. The tasks were solved by a comprehensive research method, which includes analysis and synthesis of literature and patent sources, analytical studies of existing rotary drilling models to solve the problem of "hanging" of the blade bit. findings. It has been established that the distribution of axial load on rock cutting elements depending on the distance from the center of the blade bits is extremely uneven: the incisors located on the periphery of the bit edges experience the smallest load, and the incisors located in the central part of the bit are the most stressed. originality. It was shown for the first time that the "hanging" of the bit over the central part of the face is caused by the redis tribution of axial load along the bit blades from the minimum value at the periphery of the blades to its sharp increase to the bit axis to compensate for the decrease in the path travelled by the bit in this zone. For the first time, it was proposed to perform blade bits with sharpened blades along a radius, and to destroy the resulting core with a special device. Practical value. As a result of the research, recommendations have been developed for the design of a fundamentally new design of the blade bit, which will not "hang" over the central part of the face during the drilling process. This design of the blade bit can reduce the energy intensity of drilling.