It has been a significant and challenging issue to determine the elastic deformation of parallel manipulators for their precision analysis and control. A new method is proposed and studied for solving the elastic deformation of some parallel manipulators with linear active legs using computer-aided design variation geometry. First, an original simulation mechanism of a parallel manipulator is constructed; each of the vectors in the force transformation matrix of the parallel manipulators is constructed by this simulation mechanism. The active/constrained wrench and their pose are determined based on the Newton-Euler formulation. Second, the elastic deformed dimensions of the active legs are determined based on the elastic deformation equation and the active/constrained wrench. Third, a new simulation mechanism of this parallel manipulator is constructed by replacing the original dimensions of active legs with the deformed dimensions of active legs and the elastic deformations of parallel manipulators are solved using the pose difference between the original and new simulation mechanisms. Finally, two parallel manipulators are illustrated and their elastic deformations are solved and verified by both analytic approach and finite element method.