Most email applications devote a significant part of their real estate to organization mechanisms such as folders. Yet, we verified on the Yahoo! Mail service that 70% of email users have never defined a single folder. This implies that one of the most well known email features is underexploited. We propose here to revive the feature by providing a method for generating a lighter form of folders, or tags, benefiting even the most passive users. The method automatically associates, whenever possible, an appropriate semantic tag with a given email. This gives rise to an alternate mechanism for organizing and searching email.We advocate a novel modeling approach that exploits the overall population of users, thereby learning from the wisdomof-crowds how to categorize messages. Given our massive user base, it is enough to learn from a minority of the users who label certain messages in order to label that kind of messages for the general population. We design a novel cascade classification approach, which copes with the severe scalability and accuracy constraints we are facing. Significant efficiency gains are achieved by working within a low dimensional latent space, and by using a novel hierarchical classifier. Precision level is controlled by separating the task into a two-phase classification process.We performed an extensive empirical study covering three different time periods, over 100 million messages, and thousands of candidate tags per message. The results are encouraging and compare favorably with alternative approaches. Our method successfully tags 72% of incoming email traffic. Performance-wise, the computational overhead, even on surge large traffic, is sufficiently low for our approach to be applicable in production on any large Web mail service.