mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann (Generalized-Born)
surface area is one of the most popular methods to estimate binding
free energies. This method has been proven to balance accuracy and
computational efficiency, especially when dealing with large systems.
As a result of its popularity, several programs have been developed
for performing MM/PB(GB)SA calculations within the GROMACS community.
These programs, however, present several limitations. Here we present
gmx_MMPBSA, a new tool to perform end-state free energy calculations
from GROMACS molecular dynamics trajectories. gmx_MMPBSA provides
the user with several options, including binding free energy calculations
with different solvation models (PB, GB, or 3D-RISM), stability calculations,
computational alanine scanning, entropy corrections, and binding free
energy decomposition. Noteworthy, several promising methodologies
to calculate relative binding free energies such as alanine scanning
with variable dielectric constant and interaction entropy have also
been implemented in gmx_MMPBSA. Two additional toolsgmx_MMPBSA_test
and gmx_MMPBSA_anahave been integrated within gmx_MMPBSA to
improve its usability. Multiple illustrating examples can be accessed
through gmx_MMPBSA_test, while gmx_MMPBSA_ana provides fast, easy,
and efficient access to different graphics plotted from gmx_MMPBSA
output files. The latest version (v1.4.3, 26/05/2021) is available
free of charge (documentation, test files, and tutorials included)
at .