The heat treatment technology has been improved, which makes it possible to increase the wear resistance of parts of working parts by 30-40%, operating under conditions of metal-tometal friction using preliminary cyclic heating and then pulse hardening. When using the cyclic heat treatment method, the intensity of the diffusion transformation mechanism increases due to repeated accelerated heating and cooling in the stage of incomplete austenite recrystallization and grain growth that has not yet been formed. It has been established that during preliminary reheating, this thermally stable dislocation serves as a source that forms a new dislocation at the αγ -α transition. It was determined that the value of the highest degree of the defect in the crystal structure of steel grade 65G should be preliminarily subjected to three-fold cyclic heating in the temperature range of 450-500°C in the range of 4-5 seconds. As a result of cyclic heating, a lamellar structure was formed in the steel structure and this structure is thermally stable.