Objective: We used multi-level modelling of sib-pair data to disentangle the influence of child-specific and shared family influences on maternal expressed emotion (MEE) towards children and adolescents with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Method: MEE was measured for 60 ADHD proband-unaffected sibling pairs aged 6-17 years using the Five Minute Speech Sample. Questionnaire measures of conduct and emotional problems were collected for children and measures of depression and ADHD were collected for mothers. Multilevel models partitioned the effects of 5 MEE components (Initial Statement -IS, Relationship -REL, Warmth -WAR, Critical Comments -CC and Positive Comments -PC) into (i) child-specific and (ii) shared family effects. Results: Significant child-specific influences were confirmed for all MEE components, with higher levels of MEE expressed toward probands than siblings. For REL, PC, and CC, this effect was explained by comorbid conduct problems rather than ADHD. Only low WAR was associated with ADHD itself. Furthermore, only low WAR showed shared familial influences which were in part accounted for by maternal depression.Conclusions: MEE towards ADHD children was influenced by child-specific factors. For most components these were driven by comorbid symptoms of conduct problems rather than ADHD itself. WAR was different -it was influenced by both child-specific and shared familial effects and the child effects showed no relation to conduct problems. Further studies utilising a longitudinal design are required to establish the direction of causation and extend our understanding of the relationship between EE components and ADHD.