Statistical models of 3D human shape and pose learned from scan databases have developed into valuable tools to solve a variety of vision and graphics problems.Unfortunately, most publicly available models are of limited expressiveness as they were learned on very small databases that hardly reflect the true variety in human body shapes. In this paper, we contribute by rebuilding a widely used statistical body representation from the largest commercially available scan database, and making the resulting model available to the community (visit http: // humanshape. mpi-inf. mpg. de ). As preprocessing several thousand scans for learning the model is a challenge in itself, we contribute by developing robust best practice solutions for scan alignment that quantitatively lead to the best learned models. We make implementations of these preprocessing steps also publicly available. We extensively evaluate the improved accuracy and generality of our new model, and show its improved performance for human body reconstruction from sparse input data.2). Our model is based on a simplified and efficient variant of the SCAPE model [3] (henceforth termed S-SCAPE space) that was described by Jain et al. [18] and used for different applications in computer vision and graphics [18,24,23,17,20], but was never learned from such a complete dataset. This compact shape space learns a probability distribution from a dataset of 3D human laser scans. It models variations due to changes in identity using a principal component analysis (PCA) space, and variations due to pose using a skeleton-based surface skinning approach. This representation makes the model versatile and computationally efficient.Prior to statistical analysis, the human scans have to be processed and aligned to establish correspondence. We contribute by evaluating different variants of the state-of-the-art techniques for non-rigid template fitting and posture normalization to process the raw data [1,16,38,21]. Our findings are not entirely new methods, but best practices and specific solutions for automatic preprocessing of large scan databases for learning the S-SCAPE model in the best way (Section 3). First, shape and posture fitting of an initial shape model to a raw scan prior to non-rigid deformation considerably improves the results.