Abstract:In this review, we discuss the basic concepts related to (co-)evaporation and (co)sputtering based fabrication methods and the electrical properties of polymer-metal nanocomposite films. Within the organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites research framework, the field related to metal-polymer nanocomposites is attracting much interest. In fact, it is opening pathways for engineering flexible composites that exhibit advantageous electrical, optical, or mechanical properties. The metal-polymer nanocomposites research field is, now, a wide, complex, and important part of the nanotechnology revolution. So, with this review we aim, starting from the discussion of specific cases, to focus our attention on the basic microscopic mechanisms and processes and the general concepts suitable for the interpretation of material properties and structure-property correlations. The review aims, in addition, to provide a comprehensive schematization of the main technological applications currently in development worldwide.