Atmospheric Environment, 59. 256-263. 10.1016Environment, 59. 256-263. 10. /j.atmosenv.2012 Contact CEH NORA team at NERC and CEH trademarks and logos ('the Trademarks') are registered trademarks of NERC in the UK and other countries, and may not be used without the prior written consent of the Trademark owner.Atmospheric Environment (2012)
AbstractBlack carbon (BC) in the atmosphere contributes to the human health effects of particulate matter and contributes to radiative forcing of climate. The lifetime of BC, particularly the smaller particle sizes (PM 2.5 ) which can be transported over long distances, is therefore an important factor in determining the range of such effects, and the spatial footprint of emission controls. Theory and models suggest that the typical lifetime of BC is around one week.The frequency distributions of measurements of a range of hydrocarbons at a remote rural site in southern Scotland (Auchencorth Moss) between 2007 and 2010 have been used to quantify the relationship between atmospheric lifetime and the geometric standard deviation of observed concentration. The analysis relies on an assumed common major emission source for hydrocarbons and BC, namely diesel-engined vehicles. The logarithm of the standard deviation of the log-transformed concentration data is linearly related to hydrocarbon lifetime, and the same statistic for BC can be used to assess the lifetime of BC relative to the hydrocarbons. Annual average data show BC lifetimes in the range 4 to 12 days, for an assumed OH concentration of 7 x 10 5 cm -3 . At this site there is little difference in BC lifetime between winter and summer, despite a 3-fold difference in relative hydrocarbon lifetimes. This observation confirms the role of wet deposition as an important removal process for BC, as there is no difference in precipitation between winter and summer at this site. BC lifetime was significantly greater in 2010, which had 23% less rainfall than the preceding 3 years.
HighlightsHydrocarbon and black carbon concentrations are log-normally distributed Standard deviation of log(concentration) of hydrocarbons correlates with lifetime Black carbon lifetimes, by analogy, are between 4 and 12 days at this site Black carbon lifetime is determined by rainfall, and similar in summer and winter
KeywordsAir quality monitoring, global climate models, aethalometer, hydrocarbon lifetime.Atmospheric Environment (2012) http://dx