A canonical quantization procedure is applied to elastic waves interacting with pinned dislocation segments ("strings") of length L via the Peach-Koehler force. The interaction Hamiltonian, derived from an action principle that classically generates the Peach-Koehler force, is a power series of creation and annihilation operators. The leading term is quadratic, and keeping only this term the observable quantities of scattering processes are computed to all orders in perturbation theory. The resulting theory is characterized by the magnitude of kL, with k the wavenumber of an incident phonon. The theory is solved for arbitrary kL, and different limits are explored. A significant result at this level is the scattering cross section for phonons by dislocation segments. As a function of frequency, this cross section has a much richer structure than the linear-in-frequency behavior that is inferred from scattering by an infinite, static, dislocation. The rate of spontaneous phonon emission by an excited dislocation is computed as well. When many dislocations are present, an effective mass operator is computed in the Weak and Independent Scattering Approximation. The contribution of the cubic terms is computed to leading order in perturbation theory. They allow for a comparison of the scattering of a phonon by a string and the three-phonon scattering, as well as studying the dependence of scattering amplitudes on the temperature of the solid. It is concluded that the effect of dislocations will dominate for relatively modest dislocation densities. Finally, the full power series of the interaction Hamiltonian is considered. The effects of quantum corrections, i.e., contributions proportional to Planck's constant, are estimated, and found to be controlled by another wavenumber-dependent parameter kdq, where dq is a length proportional to √ . The possibility of using the results of this paper in the study of the phononic thermal properties of two-and three-dimensional materials is noted and discussed.