The template activity of RNA extracted from unfertilized sea urchin eggs was demonstrated in a cell-free translation system, and, for the first time, specific proteins were identified among the products. All messenger RNA activity is recovered, under the conditions used, from the postribosomal supernatant. Histones, among many other proteins, were identified specifically as products of this "maternal" messenger RNA.Messenger RNA synthesized during oogenesis ("maternal mRNA") is used in sea urchin and other embryos to direct protein synthesis during development (1, 2). New mRNA is transcribed and used soon after fertilization, but transcription blockade by actinomycin D permits many cleavages and a long period of at least superficially normal development, to the hatched blastula stage in sea urchin. Transcription-blocked embryos continue to synthesize proteins actively during this time (3). Indirect evidence favors the storage of maternal mRNA in the cytoplasm (4) and the increasing availability of this RNA for translation as development proceeds (5). Availability has not been defined in chemical terms.Several attempts have been made to demonstrate directly the presence of maternal mRNA in eggs of echinoid (2, 6-10) and amphibian (11) origin and in ungerminated plant embryos (12). In no case, however, has an RNA fraction been isolated and used to direct in vitro the synthesis of an identifiable product.Spirin proposed early that mRNA may be associated with specific proteins in ribonucleoprotein particles he named "informosomes" (13
MATERIALS AND METHODSFractionation of Sea Urchin Homogenate. Eggs were collected from sea urchins Lytechinus pictus as described (21). 16 ml of pooled eggs was washed five times with Milliporefiltered sea water at 16-18°, twice with ice-cold Ca-and Mgfree sea water (37), and once with ice-cold 0.2 M KCI-5 mMI MgCl2-20 mM Tris buffer, pH 7.6 (TKM). All subsequent operations were performed at 0-4°. The medium chosen maintains best the integrity of embryonic polyribosomes (22). The eggs were resuspended in four volumes of TKM buffer containing 1 mg/ml of bentonite and homogenized in a Dounce glass homogenizer with a loose pestle. The homogenate was fractionated by successive centrifugations. Pellets were obtained by a choice of centrifugation conditions that separated eggs homogenized in an isotonic medium into unbroken cells and nuclei (1.5 min, 200 X g), pigment granules (10 min, 1500 X g), yolk granules (10 min, 5000 X g), and mitochondria plus microsomes (15 min, 12,000 X g). 5.0 ml of the 12,000 X g l)ostmitochondrial supernatant was layered over 32.5 ml of a 20-40% sucrose gradient in TKM buffer and centrifuged 19 hr at 26,000 rpm in an SW 27 rotor. The gradients were monitored for A260 in a Gilford recording spectrophotometer, and fractions were pooled as shown in Fig. l. RNA Extraction and Fractionation. Pellets obtained by differential centrifugation and that obtained from the gradient of Fig. 1 were resuspended in Na dodecyl sulfate-buffer at room temperature (230). Gra...