Barrier creams (BCs) represent devices aiming to protect the skin from contact with exogenous hazardous substances, especially under working conditions. By preventing penetration and absorption of contaminants, BCs are designed to reduce the risk of developing both irritant and allergic contact dermatitis. In fact, BCs should improve stratum corneum hydration as well as provide emolliency to maintain skin integrity and to restore and repair the epidermis barrier function. The formulation and ingredients of the available BCs vary widely, and thus the choice of a BC should depend on the kind of contaminants, occupational conditions, and skin dysfunction. Although BCs are commonly recommended to prevent occupational contact dermatitis, their real benefit remains controversial. The aims of this review are to help the choice of appropriate BCs and to analyze the actual effectiveness in maintaining an intact skin barrier, preventing contact dermatitis, and speeding up the healing of barrier-impaired skin.