The present study tested the shear bond strength (SBS) of orthodontic brackets bonded to teeth using flowable resins. A total of 105 human teeth were divided into seven groups. The brackets in each group were bonded to the tooth substrates using a Transbond XT adhesive and six other different flowable resins, respectively. Each adhesive resin was light-cured using a quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) light for 40 seconds. The brackets were debonded in shear mode using a universal testing machine. The brackets bonded using Tetric Flow and Grandio Flow showed slightly greater SBS values (13.0±1.8 and 12.2±1.2 MPa, respectively) than the Transbond XT adhesive (12.1±1.2 MPa). However, the SBS values of Transbond XT, X-flow, Tetric Flow, Grandio Flow, and Filtek Z350 flow were not significantly different. As for Admira Flow and Aelite Flow, they scored significantly lower SBS values (7.0±2.1 and 9.2±1.3 MPa, respectively) than the other groups. On bracket failure mode, statistical analysis revealed a similar failure mode among all the seven test groups.