Duck Tembusu virus (DTMUV), an emerging avian pathogenic flavivirus, causes severe neurological disorders and acute egg drop syndrome in ducks. However, the effects of DTMUV on duck immunological components and functions remain largely unknown. In this study, the dynamics of cellular and humoral immune responses of DTMUV-infected ducks were investigated. The numbers of CD4 + and CD8 + T, B and non-T and B lymphocytes as well as the levels of neutralizing antibodies were quantified in parallel with DTMUV loads in blood and target organs. Our results demonstrated that DTMUV infection caused severe losses of non-T and B lymphocyte/myeloid cell subpopulation, and reduction in phagocytic activity during 3-5 days after infection. We also found that the numbers of T and B cells were increased during the first week of DTMUV infection.A significant negative correlation between the levels of CD4 + and CD8 + T, B and non-T and B lymphocytes and viral loads in blood and target organ (spleen) was observed during the early phase of infection. Additionally, DTMUV infection induced an early and robust neutralizing antibody response, which was associated with DTMUV-specific IgM and IgG responses. The presence of neutralizing antibody also correlated with reduction of viremia and viral load in the spleen. Overall, DTMUV elicited both cellular and humoral immune responses upon infection, in which the magnitude of these responses was correlated with reduction of viremia and viral loads in the target organ (spleen). The results suggested the critical role of both cellular and humoral immunity against DTMUV infection. This study expands our understanding of the immunological events following DTMUV infection in ducks. K E Y W O R D S cellular immune responses, duck, duck Tembusu virus, humoral immune responses, virus-host interaction 1 INTRODUCTION Duck Tembusu virus (DTMUV) is an emerging avian pathogenic flavivirus that causes severe neurological disorders and acute egg drop syndrome in ducks and other avian species, including geese and chick-ens (Zhang et al., 2017). DTMUV is an enveloped, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus, which is classified as a new genotype of Tembusu virus (TMUV) belonging to the genus Flavivirus of the family Flaviviridae (Su et al., 2011). Currently, DTMUV is widely distributed and is now endemic in duck populations in Asia, causing significant economic