Keloid scars, in contrast to other scar types, significantly reduce the patient's quality of life. To develop a nondestructive optical diagnostic technique predicting the keloid scars formation in vivo, laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LFS) was used to study the autofluorescence in skin of patients with various types of head and neck cicatricial deformities. The unexpected results were obtained for the endogenous fluorescence of lipofuscin. Significantly reduced autofluorescence of lipofuscin was registered both in the intact and in the keloid scar tissues in comparison with the intact and scar tissues in patients with hypertrophic and normotrophic scars. Sensitivity and specificity achieved by LFS in keloid diagnosis are 81.8% and 93.9% respectively. It could take place due to the changes in the reductive-oxidative balance in cells, as well as due to the proteolysis processes violation. Therefore, we suppose that the evaluation of the lipofuscin autofluorescence in skin before any surgical intervention could predict the probability of the subsequent keloid scars formation.