“…2 Recentlv, a new aspect has been added to From "fibrinolytic or thrombolytie agents," sinee they can induce the lysis of fibrin, the protein which provides the framework of intravascular thrombi. [28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39] Materials labeled as "fibrinolytic agents" Xvary widely in origin, composition, and mechaiiism of action.40 42 All of them, however, act by influencing or supplementing the normal components of the intrinsic fibrinolytic mechanism present in the blood ( fig. 1 43,44 These studies indicated that this preparation (a highly purified profibrinolysin activated with streptokiiiase and thenl further purified) was acceptable for use in humani subjects although it was niot devoid of side effects, particularly pyrogenicity.…”