An apolipoprotein-E (apo-E) cDNA probe, cloned by immunoscreening of a l G T l l rat liver cDNA library, was used to further characterize the expression of the apo-E gene in rat liver during development, in relation to plasma insulin and glucagon levels. The apo-E mRNA level was low in fetus liver, then abruptly increased at birth and rose further during the suckling period. It returned to the level at birth in 10-week-old adults. These variations were paralleled with dramatic changes in plasma glucagon, which rose at birth and remained high during suckling. At the same time, the insulin/glucagon molar ratio fell.Administration of N6,02-dibutyryl CAMP to 5-day-old rats resulted in a significant induction of liver apo-E mRNA. Moreover, liver apo-E mRNA rose in 10-h-fasted suckling rats as compared to controls, while plasma glucagon increased and the insulin/glucagon ratio decreased. Conversely, glucose feeding of suckling rats did not induce any increase in liver apo-E mRNA, the insulin/glucagon ratio was 10-fold higher than in fasted animals.Our results are consistent with liver apo-E gene expression being under the control of plasma glucagon and of the glucagon/insulin balance. Apo E is a major protein component of lipoproteins [l]. It is responsible for mediating the interaction of specific lipoproteins with extrahepatic and hepatic apo-B/E receptors and the hepatic apo-E receptors [l, 21.The complete sequence of apo-E cDNA, and the structure of its gene, have been reported for rats and humans [3 -61. Apo-E gene expression has been found at a substantial level in brain, adrenals and other peripheral tissues in rats, rabbits, primates and humans [7 -111. Nevertheless, apo E is mainly synthesized in the liver and represents about 1 YO of the total liver mRNA [12]. However, little information is available on the regulation of apo-E-gene expression.