JAASTAD, 8. v. The in vitro catabolism o f histamine by sheep h e r tissue. k t a physiol. scand. 1967. 71. 6-15. he in iitro inactivation of histamine by the liver of sheep has been examined with the following esults: At optimal substrate concentrations liver slices inactivated 178.5 h57.4 (S.D.) pg histamine iphosphate/g wet weight of tissue/hr. There was no marked difference between the histamine nactivation in liver slices and homogenates.-Aminoguanidine, a powerful inhibitor of diamine xidase (E.C. ), strongly counteracted the histamine inactivation, indicating hat oxidative deamination is the major pathway for histamine inactivation in sheep liver tissue n uitro.-On an average about 1 per cent of added histamine was inactivated by conjugation.-nhibition experiments indicated that no significant methylation takes place.-The average content f preformed histamine in 41 sheep was 24.7 & 11.1 pg histamine diphosphate/g wet weight of tissue.Vhen large amounts of histamine were given to sheep by mouth, the biological ctivity disappeared rapidly from the rumen (Sjaastad 1967a), but it was ot certain to what extent this was due to absorption of free histamine by the rumen pithelium or to inactivation of histamine by rumen contents (Sjaastad 1967a).In vitro observations indicated that the inactivating capacities of thc rumen epihelium and the blood interposed between the rumen and the liver would be exceeded f large amounts of unchanged histamine were absorbed from the rumen (Sjaastad 967b, c). Since under such conditions considerable amounts of histamine ould reach the liver unchanged, examinations of the capacity of sheep liver tissue o inactivate histamine were undertaken. Studies on the nature of this inactivation vere also carried out.
Methods and materialsivers of both male and female adult sheep of the Dala breed were obtained at a slaughterhouse. ieces of 10-15 g of liver were transferred to thermosflasks containing partly frozen Ringerhosphate solution (pH 7.4) containing glucose (0.2 per cent). Generally the pieces of liver were ransferred to Ringer's solution within 10 min. of death.